Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The US at it again trying to stick their nose into the politics of Latin American countries. They’re afraid that Sandinista candidate Daniel Ortega is going to solidify the frightening “axis” of leftist Latin-American presidents even more- check out this quote from an article by Roger Noriega of the American Enterprise Institute in October 9th’s Washington Post:

" [A] Sandinista rebound will wreak havoc in a region that has taken great strides toward economic integration and political stability; worse still, it will invigorate the
axis of leftist proto-dictators led by Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chávez.
An Ortega victory will scare capital away and slow Nicaragua's sputtering
economy -- only now beginning to recover after a decade of Sandinista
misrule. Most importantly, a Sandinista victory could easily reverse
current democratic trends and devastate a promising North-South partnership
based on free people and free markets." (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/08/AR2006100800926.html)

For more background on the election, the crisis of the Sandinista party and various ways the US has been interfering, check out this article http://americas.irc-online.org/am/3511 or www.nicanet.org


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