Friday, November 03, 2006

Election is this sunday

The US has been making various threats that would have serious consequences for Nicaraguans in both the US and Nicaragua if Daniel Ortega wins the election this Sunday. Various Nicaraguan groups are asking for solidarity from people in the US (read below). This is long, but to take action or see links to articles in the Washington Post, scroll down below...

ACTION ALERT - Call Congress to oppose 11th hour sanction threats!

Dear Friend of Nicaragua,
Yesterday, Bush administration officials threatened Nicaraguan voters with economic sanctions on the eve of the presidential campaign, assuring that they would have the last word in the media before Nicaraguans go to the polls *this Sunday*. In Managua, U.S. Embassy spokesperson Kristin Stewart, threatened economic sanctions in the event of an Ortega victory. She was joined by four Republican congressmen threatening Nicaraguan voters with a cut off of remittances from the United States. Rep. Tancredo, (R-CO) issued histhreat in a letter to Nicaragua's Ambassador to the U.S. while Rep.Rohrabacher, (R-CA) wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff asking him "to prepare in accordance with U.S. law, contingency plans to block any further money remittances from being sent toNicaragua in the event that the FSLN enters government." Rep. Royce,(R-CA) and Rep. Hoekstra (R-MI) wrote a similar letter to Secretary ofState Condoleezza Rice. Yesterday's volley of threats are the strongest yet by the US government warning Nicaraguan people of dire consequences if the FSLN wins. Thepeople of Nicaragua who endured the U.S. sponsored war and economic embargo during the 1980s understand all too well the devastating impactsof U.S. economic sanctions.*We can't let these scare tactics go unchallenged! We need to hold ourgovernment accountable for the abuses against democracy that we are seeing unfold in these last hours. *We have allies in congress who areleading the way:In a strongly worded response, Rep. José Serrano, NY stated, "I amparticularly troubled by the statements of Embassy spokesperson Kristin Stewart. She publicly linked Ortega with terrorist groups and said that the U.S. would revise its policy toward the Nicaraguan government should he win. I believe her words were unfortunate and wrong, and merit awithdrawal.. . I pledge that I will do everything in my power to make sure that the government of the Unites States will respect the wishes ofthe Nicaraguan people regardless of who wins their presidentialelections." Rep. Barbara Lee, CA stated, "Our nation's commitment to democracy means that our government has a solemn obligation to remain neutral inmatters regarding the sovereignty and elections of other countries, especially in the western hemisphere, given our history in the region. No individual lawmaker has the right or the authority to suggest that our government will interfere with the elections of one of our neighbors."*WE MUST BUILD MOMENTUM BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT! WE URGE YOU TO TAKE THEFOLLOWING ACTIONS IMMEDIATELY: **FIRST*: CALL your Congressional Representatives and demand they:

1. Join Representatives Serrano, D-NY and Lee D-CA by issuing astrong statement demanding that U.S. officials remain neutral regarding theelections in Nicaragua and

2. Pledge to respect the outcome of the Nicaraguan elections,*whatever they might be!* GET THE PHONE NUMBER FOR YOUR CONGRESSPERSON/<http://www.democrac yinaction. org/dia/organiza tionsORG/ quixote/getLocal .jsp

YOUR ACTIONS MAKE A DIFFERENCE! *We will make clear to Congress thatabusive behavior will not be tolerated, and demand that they must stop undermining democracy in Nicaragua.
Numerous articles - by the Washington Post<http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2006/ 11/01/AR20061101 02971.html>, Common Dreams <http://www.commondr views06/1031- 23.htm> and the Washington Office on Latin America<http://www.wola. org/central_ america/nicaragu a/memo_elections _nov_06.htm>- have noted the interference by the Bush administration officialsthroughout this election season. Our website<http://quest.> also provides a report from our electiondelegation <http://quest. handsoff/ delegationreport> that interviewed actors across the Nicaraguan political spectrum to documentthe unrelenting interference by US officials.*How dare they speak for us as Americans?

Thank you for all you have done.
In Solidarity,
*The Quest for Peace Team,*Bill, Dolly, Tom, Carol, Jenny


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