Friday, February 02, 2007

English class isn't just English class

I never thought that teaching an English class would involve me so deeply in some of the personal problems and home life of my students. Last week, on my way to the centro, one of my students was sitting outside of her house and she called me over. She told me that she couldn't keep coming to class and started to cry. Apparently her mom had beat her the night before for coming to class and not asking for permission. This girl is 14, is the oldest of her siblings and does all the house work- cleaning, cooking, ironing, washing, shining shoes, helping her siblings take baths, etc. She also goes to school in the mornings and has to do all her homework. Her mom beats her regularly and her dad used to beat her when he lived with them. Despite all this, she's a great student and eager to learn. I've been working with the youth educators to mediate the problem between her and her mom, at least so she can continue coming to class.

Yesterday, another student of mine (16 years old) came in looking down. She left partway through the class and her friend went out with her. After class I asked Gustavo if he knew what was going on. He told me that the girl's mother had decided to leave the house. She fought with the father to make him leave, but he refused. Apparently the last time there were major problems between her parents, she took a bunch of pills and had to be taken to the hospital. Her friend, another student in the class, has been very supportive of her during the past few days. There's also a meeting tonight of the youth that she should be coming to, and hopefully this can be a source of support for her too, and a distraction from what's going on at home.


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