Bad news about abortion in Nicaragua
Hi all,Greetings from Nicaragua, where the women's movement is in absolute shock. I can confirm that a group of Catholic priests and representatives fromEvangelical groups were let into the National Assembly in Managua this morning (my colleagues watched them go in), and women were shut out. Theoriginal request to change the penal code and criminalize abortion in allits forms came from a closed-door meeting between legislators and representatives of the Catholic and Evangelical hierarchies, during whichlegislators agreed to "fast-track" the request, the whole thing has gonedown in less than a month. Meanwhile, NO representatives from the women's movement have been allowed to participate in any stage of this abominablelegislative process, despite repeated requests. The whole thing has been ablantantly political gentlemen's agreement between influential members of the church, the current president, and three out of the four politicalparties currently vying for support from the Catholic church. TheSandinistas, the historic party of Nicaragua's revolution, have reversedtheir position and completely sold women out.Bear in mind that Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the WesternHemisphere with among the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy and maternalmortality in the region, sex ed virtually does not exist here, and women can rarely afford contraception and need a permission slip from their husbandsto get sterilized. Women of all ages from women's collectives acrossNicaragua (joined by many men in solidarity) mobilized earlier in October demanding to have a say in the legislative process (their request wasdenied), then held an all-night vigil last night and an all-day protesttoday. At no point were their demands heard by anyone in the government. Spanish speakers can read more at ,there are also links to Latin American feminist radio vignettes at . Andrea